4 Badass Years in Business: Here’s What You Should Know

June 7, 2021

In 4 years, I’ve built a business that fulfills me.

I’ll admit, it wasn't easy to get here. It’s a story of transformation, self-belief, and growth that all started when I got laid off from my job at a design agency.

I decided to try my hand as a self-taught muralist. I had no clue what I was doing, but I went out there and tried. It was intimidating to not be the best at something, but I knew I was capable and I believed in myself.

That willingness to go for it paid off.

I wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t tried something new. But since I am, here are 4 pieces of advice I have for you from 4 badass years in business.

1. You do not have to be perfect to get paid

This is a good reminder when you’re spending a little too much time tweaking the kerning or shifting that image 2 inches to the right.

Perfectionism has a hold on a lot of us, especially designers and business owners. Rather than know we’re innately worthy (of money, love, etc.) because we’re human, we convince ourselves we don’t deserve what we want unless we do everything exactly right.

Who said?

No one is perfect. Behind every business is a human being who fucks up every once in a while. The best thing you can do for yourself is realize that mistakes aren’t inherently “bad.” They’re inevitable and don’t disqualify you from being deserving.

Remember, you are perfectly imperfect and worthy of everything you desire.


2. Find what lights you up

I like to call this “finding your purpose.”

It may seem daunting, but this is the juicy stuff! It’s the process of self-discovery. I used tools like personality tests, human design, and coaches to help me dig into my childhood patterns and uncover who I am under all the conditioning.

Because when you have clarity around who you are and why you do what you do, you can start taking on projects and clients who are in alignment with you and the direction you want to take your business.

Part of finding what lights you up includes setting boundaries. When you do, it allows you the freedom and time to lead the lifestyle you desire rather than just doing things you think you “should” do to please others.

Give yourself permission to say “no” to a project or client because it’s not a good fit. Better, more aligned things will come from it.


3. Don’t be scared to invest in yourself

Last year, I wrote a blog about what I learned from 3 years of business. This piece of advice is so important, it’s on this blog now too.

Investing in myself – with coaches like Michelle Gomez, Kiara Maree, and Cait Byrnes – to support me – is how I got to where I am now. To this feeling of fulfillment.

They, and many others, have taught me important lessons like how to celebrate my wins, tackle the belief that I am not enough, own my power and quiet my inner critic, and not take things personally.

Plus, with their guidance and support, I launched The Mural Business Course, my first coaching offer. Then I launched Beginner to Business Badass, a self-guided course for designers. Between the two, I've helped over 20 people build businesses that fulfilled them, lined their pockets, and made an impact.

And you? You deserve to create a business that fulfills you and allows you the freedom to enjoy your life. When you invest in yourself, know it’s good for you AND your business.

4. Go for it

Something else that’s good for you and your business? Not holding yourself back. Just because you’re not able to do something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it.

Imagine if instead of throwing myself into learning about murals I just said, “I need someone to tell me how to do this.” I wouldn’t have gotten into painting murals for my local community like I am now with that mindset.

If you want to do something, it’s up to you to figure it out and go after it. Ask someone in your industry for advice, intern with your dream company, or roll up your sleeves and get to work.

This is growth.

It can be scary to try something new because it takes us out of our comfort zone and out of what’s familiar (I see you, you overachieving perfectionist!). But it’s okay to evolve and change. In fact, it’s normal!

Personally, I’ve changed my ideal client, pivoted into coaching, and even gone from not doing murals to offering murals all the time. You are allowed to grow.

This business is yours and YOU make the decisions. Don’t let yourself or others hold you back. Try something new, “fail” (failure is a learning lesson, anyway), and get back out there again you badass.


Journal prompts

Now that I’ve shared the lessons I’ve picked up over the years, you can use these journal prompts to reflect on you and your business:

  • Where are you in your business journey?
  • How did you get here?
  • What are some lessons you’ve learned?

Send me your reflections! If you want to chat more, my Instagram DMs are always open.


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