Beyond The Screen: 4 Lessons I’ve Learned From Nature

April 21, 2021

I’ve been behind my screen a lot lately and I’m craving nature. Maybe you can relate.

From Zoom calls and FaceTime to virtual classes, I’m drained. And while I wish I could simply walk out my front door and into a forest to get grounded, I live in a city. 

The view from my doorstep looks out onto a row of townhouses. There are trees and grass in my neighborhood, but it’s still a concrete jungle. If I want to experience the positive impact being outdoors has to offer, I need to make an effort to find some greenery.

Even two hours a week in a green space has science-backed benefits for your health and wellbeing. Nature lowers our stress, promotes healing, and helps us reconnect with ourselves. It’s hard to go outside and not feel more grounded or calm. 

If you feel the pressure of your day-to-day, it might be time to get away. But before you do, let me share 4 lessons I’ve learned from nature for when you could use a little extra green in your life.

Love hiking with the pups, especially in Shenandoah National Park!

Love hiking with the pups, especially in Shenandoah National Park!


1. Appreciate the moment

Nature taught me to appreciate and savor the small moments. 

When I walk (to the park, in the woods, around the block, to grab coffee) and stay fully present, I notice the ferns on the ground and the moss between the sidewalk cracks. If I’m with my dogs, I notice their paw prints in the dirt. I notice the bark on the trees as I walk through the woods. 

That “stop and smell the roses'' adage? It plays a pivotal role in your happiness. When you foster an appreciation for what is, you can just be.

Because being is just as important as doing.

2. Breaks are productive

Nature taught me that rest and being are part of life.

If you’re anything like me, you struggle to take breaks. More than that, you struggle to feel like you deserve to take a break. News flash: Your worth isn’t tied to your ability to do more. 

In fact, if you’re feeling unmotivated, unproductive, or are in a creative rut, taking a break can help! Set boundaries around when you work and when you rest. This releases the pressure to get everything done and allows you to enjoy yourself when you do take a step back from your computer.

It’s not helpful to burn the midnight oil. Set solid boundaries for yourself and see just how much you can get done. Plus, your mental wellbeing will thank you.

In the end, you have a life outside of work. That perfectionism that tells you to work overtime with no space to allow yourself or the project to breathe … let it go.

One of the most magical hikes was Angel’s Landing at Zion NP.

One of the most magical hikes was Angel’s Landing at Zion NP.


3. It will never be perfect

Nature taught me that nothing will ever be perfect.

Take a step outside. This time of year, there are flowers blooming, lush leaves filling up the trees, and animals emerging from their dens. You see growth. In the winter, the leaves fall. Plants wither and die. You see decay.

It’s a cycle. A beautiful balancing act, always flowing, giving-and-taking. Nature has taught me a lot about letting go of control and the desire for everything to be perfect. 

For example, you can decide to go for a walk, but you can’t control what happens on that walk. Will it rain, be cold, or windy? You have to accept what is. It won’t be perfect, so stop expecting it or trying to make it so.

Nature is a beautiful thing. It’s time to stop wishing it was 75 and sunny all the time. We need the shadow to appreciate the light.

4. It’s good to care

Nature taught me to care about Mother Earth. 

It’s hard to be surrounded by massive trees, wide-open green space, or miles of water and not be in awe of its beauty and resilience.

A few years back, I started to take sustainability seriously. It began with a post about a turtle with a straw in its nose. It snowballed into me participating in an Instagram challenge called "36 days of type" where I chose to research and highlight sustainable resources, businesses, and practices.

See the sustainable series of type here on Instagram

See the sustainable series of type here on Instagram

This made me realize we can’t take our Earth for granted. Her resources are not infinite. They’re limited. And just like I care so much about nature, I should show that same respect to my life, body, and mental capacity.

Sustainability is about caring… caring how we use our resources (in nature and in life). Are we consciously reusing items or are we sticking to single-use plastics? Are we taking a break before we burn out or are we running ourselves dry? 

You only have so much energy to give. Just like the Earth, which only has so many resources for us to use before we deplete it. Remember this balance the next time you push yourself to the point of exhaustion. 

Take a rest and unplug. Not sure what that looks like? I have a few ideas for you. These recommendations come from the lessons I’ve learned from nature, so enjoy!

How to unplug

A moment to yourself looks different for all of us. The important thing? You don’t need to complicate it. 

Here are a few of my suggestions for ways to get grounded beyond the screen: 

  • Take one day off a week (from work and/or social media)

  • Go on a hike

  • Sit by a lake

  • Turn off your phone

  • Drive down country back roads

  • Walk to your local corner store

  • Take a bike ride

  • Read a book outside

  • Take your dogs to the park

  • Plan a vacation where you’re outside a lot (National Parks, anyone?!)

Personally, there’s nothing a leisurely drive down tree-lined back roads in my Jeep can’t fix. The way the dappled light hits as the music blasts and the wind tousles my hair...  It's a magical moment. I feel free.

What are you waiting for? Go spend time in nature today! When you get outside, be sure to tag me @thecolorfuljess on Instagram so I can join the fun!


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