Finding Freedom Through Design, Murals, and Color

November 12, 2020

This blog is going to make a lot more sense if you read the prequel. It’s a good story all about how I built a six-figure business after getting laid off twice, so go check that out here.

You’re back? Sweet.

Like I mentioned in that blog, it’s not a story about how I created this perfect business after getting rejected at my last two jobs. It’s the story about how I discovered who I am and how I found freedom through design, murals, and color. Yes, color!

To me, color represents exploration and my inner-child. And wow, have I explored… a ton of art mediums, jobs, clients, and myself.

And the inner-child healing I’ve done? It’s helped me grow White Coffee Creative into the six-figure design and mural business it is today. But it didn’t begin that way.


Point A: Overworked and underpaid

My experience with the design agency – not feeling fulfilled but unsure of whether I could make it on my own – showed me that I have choices to make in life. It was at that moment I chose to pursue something I never imagined I’d have the resources, support, or confidence to do: start my very own business creating designs and painting murals for a living.

But you bet your ass I put my heart and soul into it.

If you remember from the prequel to this story, Whole Foods was where I was introduced to lettering as a store artist. While my interest in design started long before this, that job was the first moment I believed that art and design could make me money.

At the agency, I was allowed to letter but it wasn’t the main part of my job. I was mostly doing design work, which misses the immediate impact I was hoping to make. There’s a lot of waiting – waiting for approval, waiting for it to be printed, waiting for it to be packaged, waiting for it to be launched. You get the idea.

Then, when I discovered murals, it was a breath of fresh air. They’re a challenge, but you make something instantly impactful. To watch a building go from a blank wall to something exciting… it’s like “Bada bing, bada boom!” There’s freedom in that. Plus, murals get me out of my chair and away from my desk.

When I went full-time with my business (then called White Coffee Lettering), I did my best to split my time as evenly as possible between design and murals. I worked half on the computer and the other half with my hands painting walls.

And working I was. Since I didn’t know what direction I was going in, I did EVERYTHING -- branding, report designs, beer can labels, flyers, murals, and painted logos. Design is so versatile, and I made sure I covered my bases to see what was right for me.

The coolest part was getting to rebuild what my life looked like. I found freedom through seeing my designs turn into large-scale murals and by owning my own business versus working for someone else. And if I thought my first 6 months in business were life-changing, I needed to prepare for what would happen next.


Point B: $100K or bust

About 6 months into my business, I still struggled with pricing my work, finding aligned clients, knowing what my style was, and getting invoices paid. I was looking for a light at the end of the tunnel. I needed to ask for help.

That’s when I invested in the Clueless to $100K webinar from Pandr Design Co., which showed me that six-figures a year was possible. After this, I focused on getting to $100K in my business and finding out what work I really enjoyed doing with clients that valued me.

It worked! I booked incredible clients that wanted to create as big of an impact as I did and got paid the big bucks to do it. And 2 ½ years into my business, I was making $120K. 5-year-old Jess never saw this coming!

The money isn’t the most important lesson of this story, but it’s important to bring up because it proved to me that I can support myself. It also proved that I was damn good at what I did and it was okay to express myself through design and murals.


Point C: Finding freedom through color

By now you’re probably asking yourself, “Wait, so how does color fit into your story?” I’m glad you asked.

My first memory of color was getting in trouble for coloring on the walls when I was 5 years old. Now, I get paid to do it.

Color makes me feel “me.” It makes me feel like I have a purpose. When I started owning my color – with my language, designs, and murals, and on the grid – I found myself. An important lesson I learned along the way? It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being comfortable with being you and owning your shit. We’re all perfectly imperfect, and we get to feel good about that.

The reality is, the starving artist stereotype runs deep. Many designers are scared to believe in themselves and their success. I was. It wasn’t until I hired my first coach that I realized I had inner-child healing to do to overcome not feeling enough. This lack of worthiness inside myself was the reason I worked with clients who didn’t value me and designed things that didn’t make me happy.

And ironically, when I moved away from my masculine side – the perfectionist, doing outreach to find clients, focusing on the money – and into my feminine side – nurturing, attracting, and being vulnerable – I was more successful.

Now, I know the clients that are meant for me will find me and want to work with me MORE because I’m colorful and don’t shy away from expressing it. When I healed my life problems, it helped me heal my business problems too. And I want that for you.

Point D: Business badass

Do you want that for yourself?

Color makes me feel “me.” I want to help you find what makes you feel “you.” I also want to support you to go out on your own, hit six-figures, and make an impact on the world. That’s why I’m a life and business coach. 

It’s also why I created the Beginner to Business Badass course.

Made for designers who are side hustlers, business newbies, or established design business owners (2–7 years in) who struggle with finding clients, feeling overwhelmed, and not making six figures. If you need help with the basics (and then some) or feel like your business is all over the place, the Beginner to Business Badass course is for you. Think of it as a simplified plan, which combines business and life, to get you to a place where you feel confident, understand yourself, and make 6 figures (if that suits you).

Check out the details below. How much longer are you willing to put your dreams on hold?


How To Get Noticed and Feel Seen as a Designer


I Was Laid-off… Twice. Here’s How I Overcame That and Built a Six-Figure Business