Ready To Move Past Fear? Here's How To Trust Yourself And Embrace Abundance

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February 17, 2022

It’s time to have an honest conversation about money, fear, and scarcity.

When we label these as “taboo” topics, it holds people, industries, and the collective back. Today, let’s shine a light on them so we can discover the magic on the other side!

If you’re a creative entrepreneur, you’ve likely had one (or all) of these thoughts at some point:

  • “I don’t feel worthy of [insert project investment here].”

  • “There’s not enough [clients/money] to go around.”

  • “If I say no to [insert opportunity here], nothing else will come along.”

This points to a scarcity mindset, which means you’re so caught up in the lack of something that you can't focus on anything else. But don’t panic! It’s the default for many people.

If you’re ready to shift your perspective around money and embrace abundance, let’s start by going back to the beginning.

Do you know your money story?

I’ve never been scared to make money. But for a long time, I felt shame for enjoying material things… NOT ANYMORE!

I feel good AF about the money I make now because I can:

  • Experience new things

  • Help others navigate the feelings that come with money (either from having it or not)

  • Challenge the starving artist mentality and raise the industry standards for all creatives

I came to this realization over time with a little help from the stars.

In my birth chart, Pluto, the moon, and my second house are all in Scorpio. Pluto rules transformation and rebirth while your second house governs money, values, tangible possessions, and self-esteem. The moon rules your feelings, so with it in Scorpio in my second house, my mission is to work through the emotions money brings up.

I found two ways to do this that feel aligned to me: being transparent around pricing in business and creating the Holy Fuck Pricing movement to ditch the taboo around money.

The best part about all of this? Your money story is your own. You can rewrite it at any time with a sprinkle of reflection and a dash of belief.

When you’re ready to shift your perspective

If you have a scarcity mindset, it means you’re so focused on the fear you feel, your imposter syndrome, and your limiting beliefs that you’re not open to the opportunities and experiences that could exist beyond it.

The best way to move out of scarcity and into abundance? Listen to yourself.

Take time this year to focus on how you’re making money and whether your business is what you want it to be. Ask questions like, “Am I making money from projects that truly light me up? Or am I just doing it for the money?” and then honestly reflect.

Because the truth is … if fear is the only thing standing in your way, do you believe in yourself enough to trust you can move beyond it?

Rewriting your story

Self-belief comes from stepping into your power.

That looks like:

  • Becoming more self-aware

  • Understanding your strengths and weaknesses

  • Reflecting on the lessons you learn along your journey

  • Being unapologetic about your magic

  • Living how you truly want to live

Now, let’s be real. In our society, there are plenty of things that can (rightfully) send us into a spiral. But it’s important to know in the back of your mind that things WILL work out because what’s meant to be will be.

Maybe you don’t believe that right now. If so, how do you get to a place where you do?

The magic of moving beyond fear and scarcity

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One thing that helped me lean into this is seeing money as an exchange of energy instead of just a form of payment.

Money makes us all feel some type of way. Many of us have fear around it we may not even be aware of. And when that fear comes up, it’s easy to give into it.

I’m here to tell you there’s a better way to navigate.

Abundance is a feeling. That there will always be more – more friends to make, more memories to create, more experiences to enjoy, more vacations to take, more money to attract. By embracing abundance rather than focusing on the very valid fears you may have, you accept there’s more than enough for everyone.

When you can move beyond what keeps you small, you experience gratitude and a sense of knowing that there’s so much working for you rather than against you.

Let’s use an upcoming astrological event as an example. On Feb. 22, 2022, Pluto returns home (for the first time ever!) to the exact same spot as it was when the U.S. was “born.”

Because Pluto will be in the sign of Capricorn in the 2nd house – and since Pluto governs radical change and Capricorn rules structures – those of us in the U.S. may experience a disruption to traditional American values and could start to see the American Dream unravel.

Change can be alarming. If this news stresses you out, take a deep breath. Let’s view this as a magical opportunity for all of us to choose love and optimism over fear.

The support you need is available to you

If you’re thinking, “Yeah, easier said than done!” you might need some support to help you navigate your feelings. No shame in that!

You don’t have to do this alone. Let’s talk about the fear you feel and how hard it is to be optimistic in the face of scarcity and lack during a Power Hour Session with me.

In the end, you’ll walk away:

  • Feeling powerful and confident

  • With a deeper connection to yourself

  • Trusting yourself more

You get to rewrite your story from here. Just remember: beyond your fear, abundance is waiting.


Journal Prompts

  • If you didn’t have fear stopping you, what could you accomplish? 
  • Who would you be? 
  • What would your life look like? 
  • Where would you be?

Sharing to Pinterest? Here’s a few images:


The 4 Pillars That Shape What I Do and Why


My Magical First Year of My 30s